Yiding Liu

Yiding Liu


Search Science at Baidu Inc.


I am currently a research scientist of Search Science team at Baidu Inc, working on language model based search with Dr. Dawei Yin and Dr. Shuaiqiang Wang.

My recent research interests include: 1) Information Retrivial and Knowledge Discovery; 2) Large Language Models; 3) LLM for IR/KD;

Prospective Interns. I am actively seeking self-motivated Ph.D. students as interns in Baidu Search. If you are interested in information retrieval or pre-trained language models, please feel free to drop me an email.

If you’re a PhD student or just starting out in your career, I’m totally down to chat. Hoping to help others avoid some of the shitty things I’ve been through.

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(2024). Enhancing graph neural networks with structure-based prompt. ECML PKDD.

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(2024). Exploiting Latent Attribute Interaction with Transformer on Heterogeneous Information Networks. ECML PKDD.

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(2024). Exploring Memorization in Fine-tuned Language Models. ACL.

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(2024). The Good and The Bad: Exploring Privacy Issues in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). ACL Findings.

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(2024). Aligning the Capabilities of Large Language Models with the Context of Information Retrieval via Contrastive Feedback. SIGIR.

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